Profit before tax stood at Rs 59.11 crore in the quarter ended 31 December 2024, up 27.53% as against Rs 46.35 crore recorded in Q3 FY24. Operating EBITDA stood at Rs 55.6 crore in Q3 FY25, registering the growth of 28% as compared with Rs 43.4 crore recorded in corresponding quarter last year. EBITDA margin improved to 71.6% in Q3 FY25 as against 67% reported in Q3 FY24. Total expenses increased 3.65% YoY to Rs 22.71 crore in the third quarter of FY25. Employee benefit expenses were at Rs 3.02 crore (up 16.15% YoY) while content cost stood at Rs 14.55 crore (down 1.15% YoY) during the period under review. In Q3 FY25, the company launched a total of 116 new songs, comprising 40 new film songs and 76 non-film songs. Additionally, the YouTube subscribers stood at 113 million. Meanwhile, the company's board has declared an interim dividend of Rs 3 per equity share and the record date is fixed as 28 January 2025. The dividend will be paid on or before 18 February 2025. Kumar Taurani, chairman & managing director, said, 'I am pleased to announce that the company has performed well. For Q3FY25, we achieved revenue of Rs 77.7 crore, up 20% year-on-year, with a PAT of Rs 44.2 crore, marking a 27% increase YoY. In line with our commitment to enhance shareholder value, the company has announced a 3rd interim dividend of Rs 3 per share.' Hari Nair, chief executive officer, said, 'We are seeing strong growth for our music across digital platforms. I am excited to announce our collaboration with TikTok, giving users worldwide access to Tips Music's diverse library, featuring Bollywood classics and regional hits. We partnered with Sterling Reserve and Bacardi's Legacy brand to launch our own music-IP called 'Take 2' and Roots,' respectively.' Tips Industries is engaged in the acquisition and exploitation of music rights. Shares of Tips Industries slipped 5.99% to Rs 638.35 on the BSE. Powered by Capital Market - Live News |