The scrip was listed at Rs 75, a discount of 1.32% over the initial public offer (IPO) price. The stock was currently frozen at its lower limit of 5% compared to its listing price. The counter hit a high of Rs 75 and a low of Rs 71.25. About 13.89 lakh shares of the company changed hands at the counter. Supreme Facility Management's IPO was subscribed 25.70 times. The issue opened for bidding on 11 December 2024 and it closed on 13 December 2024. The price band of the IPO was set at Rs 72 to Rs 76 per share. The IPO comprised fresh issue of 65,79,200 equity shares. The promoter and promoter group shareholding diluted to 71.51% from 97.29% pre-issue. The company intends to utilize the net proceeds to meet working capital requirements, pursuing inorganic initiatives and general corporate purpose. Supreme Facility Management is an integrated business services provider offering a range of services to various industries. Their core services include Integrated Facility Management (IFM) encompassing soft services like housekeeping and pest control, hard services such as electrical and plumbing maintenance, and staffing services. Additionally, they provide support services such as employee transportation, corporate food solutions, supply chain management, and production support. To deliver these services, Supreme Facility Management leverages its subsidiaries and associates. As of 30 September 2024, the company had over 10,798 employees of which billable personnel 137 are unbillable personnel on the payroll of the company. The company recorded revenue from operations of Rs 99.07 crore and net profit of Rs 2.40 crore for the period as on 30 June 2024. Powered by Capital Market - Live News |