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Dabur India expects low single-digit revenue growth in Q3 FY25
04-Jan-25   14:32 Hrs IST

The official announcement was made after market hours on 3 January 2025.

The company said that it expects profit growth to remain flat on a year-on-year basis for the quarter that ended on December 31, as stated in its quarterly business update on Friday, 3 January 2025.

During the quarter, rural consumption remained resilient and continued to grow faster than the urban markets. While general trade was still under pressure, alternative channels like modern trade, e-commerce, and quick commerce continued to post strong growth, the FMCG maker added.

The domestic home and personal care (HPC) segment is projected to grow in mid to high single digits, while the healthcare segment is likely to remain flat due to the delayed onset of winter, according to the company. While the beverage portfolio saw muted growth, the culinary business, including brands like 'Hommade' and 'Badshah,' delivered strong double-digit growth.

During the quarter, the company also spoke of inflationary pressure that was witnessed in some of its business segments, which it mitigated partially through price increases and cost-efficiency initiatives.

Dabur's international business is expected to post double-digit growth in constant currency terms, led by strong performance in markets such as the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Egypt, Bangladesh, and the US.

With improving macroeconomic indicators, it expects FMCG growth to revive and sequential improvement in demand going forward, it said.

Dabur India is among the top four FMCG companies in India. It has business interests in healthcare, personal care and food products. The company offers products in over 100 countries across the globe, covering health and personal care segments across the herbal and natural space.

Dabur India's consolidated net profit tumbled 17.66% to Rs 417.52 crore on 5.47% increase in revenue from operations to Rs 3,028.59 crore in Q2 FY25 over Q2 FY24.

Shares of Dabur India rallied 2.29% to end at Rs 525.05 on Friday, 3 January 2024.

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