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Saravan Stocks
Profit and Loss
Hindustan Unilever Ltd Industry:  Personal Care - Multinational
BSE Code ISIN Demat Book Value(R) NSE Symbol Div & Yield % Market Cap (Rs.Cr) P/E(TTM) EPS(TTM) Face Value(R)
500696 INE030A01027 214.841449 HINDUNILVR 1.87 528387.83 51.64 43.55 1
 Mar 2024
Mar 2023
Mar 2022
Mar 2021
Mar 2020
Mar 2019
INCOME :      
Sales Turnover 60469.0059144.0051193.0045996.0038785.0038224.00
Excise Duty0.
Net Sales60469.0059144.0051193.0045996.0038785.0038224.00
Other Income 1073.00815.00571.00630.00805.00664.00
Stock Adjustments 8.0053.0019.00391.00121.00-12.00
Total Income61550.0060012.0051783.0047017.0039711.0038876.00
Raw Materials 26598.0028042.0022398.0019784.0015378.0015430.00
Power & Fuel Cost384.00325.00277.00304.00263.00269.00
Employee Cost 2782.002665.002399.002229.001691.001747.00
Other Manufacturing Expenses 3293.003705.003329.002847.002860.003018.00
Selling & Administrative Expenses 10562.008674.008046.007783.007523.007645.00
Miscellaneous Expenses 2857.002391.002472.002460.001860.001693.00
Less : Pre-operative Expenses Capitalised
Total Expenditure46476.0045802.0038921.0035407.0029575.0029802.00
Operating Profit15074.0014210.0012862.0011610.0010136.009074.00
Interest 302.00101.0098.00108.00106.0028.00
Gross Profit14772.0014109.0012764.0011502.0010030.009046.00
Profit Before Tax13675.0013079.0011739.0010490.009092.008522.00
Fringe Benefit tax0.
Deferred Tax115.00195.00143.0078.00152.00-79.00
Reported Net Profit10114.009962.008818.007954.006738.006036.00
Extraordinary Items -65.82-47.22-25.54-172.12-145.99-155.45
Adjusted Net Profit10179.8210009.228843.548126.126883.996191.45
Adjustment below Net Profit 27.00-13.0031.00-2.00-1134.00-534.00
P & L Balance brought forward9625.008135.006805.007664.007303.004539.00
Statutory Appropriations0.
Appropriations 9398.008459.007519.008811.005243.002738.00
P & L Balance carried down10368.009625.008135.006805.007664.007303.00
Preference Dividend0.
Equity Dividend %4200.003900.003400.004050.002500.002200.00
Dividend Per Share(Rs)42.0039.0034.0040.5025.0022.00
Earnings Per Share-Unit Curr43.0442.3937.5233.8531.1927.94
Earnings Per Share(Adj)-Unit Curr43.0442.3937.5233.8531.1927.94
Book Value-Unit Curr216.91213.71207.49201.8537.1835.46
Book Value(Adj)-Unit Curr216.91213.71207.49201.8537.1835.46
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