Saturday 08 Mar, 2025 12:14 PM
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Saravan Stocks
Financial Ratios
Esconet Technologies Ltd Industry:  Computers - Hardware
BSE Code ISIN Demat Book Value(R) NSE Symbol Div & Yield % Market Cap (Rs.Cr) P/E(TTM) EPS(TTM) Face Value(R)
92683 INE0RQZ01017 47.4161448 ESCONET 0 256.45 48.72 4.02 10
   ParticularsMar 2024Mar 2023Mar 2022
Debt-Equity Ratio0.322.333.29
Long Term Debt-Equity Ratio0.130.891.65
Current Ratio1.861.321.29
Fixed Assets36.8624.9421.13
Interest Cover Ratio5.094.871.78
PBIDTM (%)7.086.722.95
PBITM (%)6.595.922.00
PBDTM (%)5.795.501.82
CPM (%)4.354.002.00
APATM (%)3.863.201.05
ROCE (%)32.1040.7314.43
RONW (%)25.0675.2833.57
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