EBITDA imporved by 13% to Rs 79 crore in the third quarter from Rs 70 crore in the same period last year. Profit before tax in Q3 FY25 stood at Rs 38 crore, up by 15% from Rs 33 crore in Q3 FY24. Parag Milk Foods stated that the business has witnessed a double-digit volume growth of 11% YoY aided by healthy volume growth in its core categories. The Core categories mainly ghee, cheese and paneer have witnessed volume growth of 15% for Q3 FY25 and 17% for YTD Dec FY25. As per the latest IMARC report 2024; the flagship brand Gowardhan Ghee commands an improved 22% market share in the branded cow ghee segment, while the brand 'Go Cheese' sustained its 35% market share in the Cheese category. The average milk prices during Q3 FY25 were at Rs 34 per litre (up 4% YoY) and YTD Dec FY25 milk prices were at Rs 32 per litre (down 11% YoY) while the company handled approximately 15 lakh litres of milk per day. The company's gross profit margin (GPM) expanded by 180 basis points YoY during YTD FY25 to 25.4% as against 23.6% in YTD FY24, led by benign milk prices and improved value - added product mix. Devendra Shah, chairman of Parag Milk Foods, said: Our highest-ever delivery in Q3 leveraging strong festive demand is a testimonial to the increasing preference for premium dairy offerings and our ability to meet evolving consumer needs. Parag Milk Foods is the largest private dairy FMCG Company with a pan-India presence. The company's manufacturing facilities with in-house technology which are strategically located at Manchar in Maharashtra, Palamaner in Andhra Pradesh, and Sonipat in Haryana. Powered by Capital Market - Live News |