Revenue from operations jumped 42.86% to Rs 290.64 crore during the quarter as compared with Rs 203.45 crore posted in the corresponding quarter last year. Total income increased 42% YoY to Rs 293.66 core in Q2 FY25. Contribution margin stood at Rs 117.9 crore (up 56.2% YoY). Contribution margin as a percentage of total income grew to 40% in Q2FY25 as compared to 37% in Q2FY24 and 31% in Q1FY25. The company reported pre-tax loss of Rs 3.32 crore as against pre tax profit of Rs 5.25 crore in Q2 FY24. Total expenses increased 46.35% YoY to Rs 286.86 crore during the quarter. Payment gateway cost stood at Rs 135.65 crore (up 214.3% YoY), employee benefit expenses stood at Rs 43.59 crore (up 72.5% YoY) during the period under review. The company's EBITDA for the quarter stood at Rs 6.80 crore, registering de-growth of 37% as compared with Rs 10.8 crore in Q2 FY24. EBITDA margin fell to 2.3% in Q2 FY25 as against 5.2% in Q2 FY24. In Q2 FY24, payments GMV increased to Rs 28,275 crore, up 267.3% YoY (3.7x YoY), payments revenue increased to Rs 188.7 crore, up 181.3% YoY (2.8x YoY). The total registered user base now stands at 167 Million with an addition of around 6 Million users in Q2FY25. Upasana Taku, executive director, co-founder & CFO, of One MobiKwik Systems, said, 'We are thrilled to announce our first quarterly results post-listing, marking a significant milestone in MobiKwik's journey. The strong growth in our payments business demonstrates our ability to scale while maintaining strong contribution margins. The Company continues to work on balancing growth and profitability, by increasing market share and launching innovative products.' Shares of One MobiKwik Systems were listed on the bourses on 18 December 2024. The counter was listed at Rs 442.25, exhibiting a premium of 77.56% as compared with issue price of Rs 279. One MobiKwik Systems (MobiKwik) is India's largest digital wallet that offers a wide range of payments The scrip rallied 9.25% to Rs 609.70 on the BSE. Powered by Capital Market - Live News |