The company has bagged Rs 35 crore contract from Sambalpur University in Odisha. The company will set up campus-wide Wi-Fi and LAN networks across 80 locations to provide seamless internet and intranet access across the campus. The scope of the project includes supply, installation, commissioning, and a three-year maintenance period. The company will also provide a Secure Wireless Controller with additional functionalities, such as an authenticator and restrictions for unauthorized users. In another order, the company has been awarded Rs 29.14 crore contract by Central Railways for installing an integrated security system at six key stations in Mumbai. The project will involve the installation of an IP-based video surveillance system at six stations including Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, Dadar, Kurla, Lokmanya Tilak Terminus, Thane, and Kalyan. The contract also includes testing, commissioning, and five years of annual maintenance after the initial three-year warranty. Over 1,400 cameras will be installed to improve passenger safety across these stations. The project is expected to be completed within 12 months from the receipt of the Letter of Award (LoA). Rajesh Rai, chairman and managing director, ITI, said, - 'We are very happy to win these two contracts and though the order value is small, it is strategically important win for us as it opens up potentially lucrative avenues in two new domains. ITI Limited is always excited to provide the whole spectrum of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) services to educational institutes, Railways and any other client. The campus Wi-Fi and LAN services would not only improve the pedagogical experience of the students but will also support the institution's operational and administrative needs.' Further he added, 'Our team is very excited and highly motivated to work on these contracts as always and I am confident that we will deliver them ahead of time. We hope that our work will help in creating a safer presence for the passengers of Central Railways.' ITI, a multi-unit central public sector undertaking, is a total solutions provider in telecommunications segment. The company offers complete range of telecom products covering the whole spectrum of switching, transmission, and access & subscriber premises equipment. On a consolidated basis, ITI reported net loss of Rs 70.33 crore in Q2 FY25 as against net loss of Rs 126.01 crore in Q2 FY24. Net sales soared 312.30% year-on-year to Rs 1,016.20 crore in Q2 FY25. The scrip declined 4.09% to 404.05 on the BSE. Powered by Capital Market - Live News |