Wednesday 12 Mar, 2025 07:36 PM
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Carysil rises after bagging supply contract Quartz kitchen sinks from major USA customer
12-Mar-25   11:14 Hrs IST

Carysil added 1.84% to Rs 514.80 after the company announced that it has entered into an agreement with KARRAN INC., USA, for the supply of Quartz kitchen sinks to fulfill requirements of new major U.S. home retail chain.

As per the terms of the agreement, Carysil will dedicate the production of minimum capacity of 150,000 Quartz sinks per annum, commencing in May-2025 for this new customer.

To support this commitment, the company would make an initial investment of $510,000 in molds, machinery and utilities.

Carysil is involved in the manufacturing of granite-based kitchen sinks, which are referred to as 'composite quartz sinks'. The company also manufactures stainless-steel kitchen sinks to primarily cater for the domestic market. The company also trades in kitchen appliances such as chimneys, cook-tops, wine-chillers and others. The product portfolio also includes bath segment products such as wash basins, quartz tiles and bath fittings, sold under the brand name, Sternhagen.

The company's consolidated net profit declined 18.51% to Rs 12.50 crore despite an 8.07% rise in revenue to Rs 203.12 crore in Q3 FY25 as compared with Q3 FY24.

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