Profit before tax stood at Rs 34.24 crore in the Q3 FY25, up 29.64% year on year.
Total expenses rose 31.28% to Rs 137.31 crore in Q3 FY25 over Q3 FY24. During the quarter, the cost of materials consumed stood at Rs 54.58 crore (down 25.95% YoY) while employee benefits expense was at Rs 9.29 crore (up 37.22% YoY).
On a consolidated basis, the company's net profit fell 7.13% to Rs 30.21 crore in Q3 FY25, compared with Rs 32.53 crore posted in Q2 FY25. Revenue from operations was at Rs 171.60 crore in the third quarter of FY25, down 11.15% QoQ.
Anup Engineering supplies process equipment to nearly all major projects in oil & gas, fertilizer, power, chemical & petrochemical sectors in India and worldwide.
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