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Aegis Logistics Ltd leads losers in 'A' group
28-Mar-25   15:00 Hrs IST

Salasar Techno Engineering Ltd, Garware Technical Fibres Ltd, TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd and Indian Overseas Bank are among the other losers in the BSE's 'A' group today, 28 March 2025.

Aegis Logistics Ltd lost 8.45% to Rs 826.85 at 14:47 IST.The stock was the biggest loser in the BSE's 'A' group.On the BSE, 1.19 lakh shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 52752 shares in the past one month.

Salasar Techno Engineering Ltd crashed 7.43% to Rs 8.35. The stock was the second biggest loser in 'A' group.On the BSE, 53.4 lakh shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 27.03 lakh shares in the past one month.

Garware Technical Fibres Ltd tumbled 7.38% to Rs 863.65. The stock was the third biggest loser in 'A' group.On the BSE, 12906 shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 4931 shares in the past one month.

TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd dropped 6.58% to Rs 121.4. The stock was the fourth biggest loser in 'A' group.On the BSE, 1.34 lakh shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 2.37 lakh shares in the past one month.

Indian Overseas Bank plummeted 6.28% to Rs 39.12. The stock was the fifth biggest loser in 'A' group.On the BSE, 12.44 lakh shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 5.81 lakh shares in the past one month.

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