MINOLTA FINANCE LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 04/12/2024 inter alia to consider and approve 1. A proposal for increase in authorized share capital 2. Shifting of Registered office from Kolkata to Mumbai. 3. The alteration in the MOA and AOA 4. Recommended the issue of Rights Issue Shares to raise funds up to Rs. 50 Crore. 5. Appointment of Mrs. Kinjal Parkhiya as the Additional Director (Category: Independent) 6. Appointment of Mrs. Forum Gada as the Additional Director (Category: Executive Director) 7. Approval to enhance limit of Inter-corporate loans investment guarantee or security from Rs.100 Crore to Rs.1000 Crore 8. Approval to enhance Limits of Borrowings of the Company up-to Rs. 1000 Crore and to create Security 9. Evaluate and approve split of each equity share of the Company having a face value of Rs.10/- each fully paid-up into 1 equity share having a face value of Re.1/- each fully paid-up. 10 To convey Postal Ballot to obtain shareholders approval for aforesaid issues & approving draft notice of Postal Ballot.