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Saravan Stocks
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360 ONE Balanced Hybrid Fund - Regular (G)
Summary Info
Fund Name : 360 ONE Mutual Fund
Scheme Name : 360 ONE Balanced Hybrid Fund - Regular (G)
AMC : 360 ONE Mutual Fund
Type : Open
Category : Hybrid - Balanced
Launch Date : 04-Sep-23
Fund Manager : Mayur Patel
Net Assets:(Rs. cr) 818.40
NAV Graph
NAV Details
NAV Date : 11-Mar-25
NAV [Rs] : 11.83
Buy/Repurchase Price[Rs] : 0.00
Sell/Resale Price[Rs] : 0.00
Entry Load % : Nil
Exit Load % : Redemption / switch-out of 10% of amount invested on or before completion of 12 months from the date of allotment - Nil exit load Redemption / switch out in excess of the 10% of amount invested on or before completion of 12 months from the date of allotment - 1.00% exit load. Nil - If redeemed after 12 months from the date of allotment.
Latest Payouts
  Dividends Bonus
Ratio NA NA
Date NA NA
Investment Details
Tax Benefits : NA
Min. Investment(Rs) : 1000
Increm.Investment(Rs) : 1000
  1 Week 1 Month 3 Month 6 Month 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year Since INC
Scheme Return 0.41 -0.75 -5.83 -4.49 8.36 NA NA 12.18
Category Avg 0.79 -1.29 -4.54 -3.06 6.85 10.52 12.23 10.98
Category Best 1.17 -0.65 -3.35 -1.94 10.00 13.50 16.15 14.42
Category Worst 0.41 -2.16 -7.04 -5.26 4.51 8.50 9.85 7.92
Statistical Ratios
What is Beta ?
Beta is a measure of the volatility of the portfolio to that of the index. In simple words it shows the movement of the portfolio in comparison. The Higher the Beta, higher the volatility of the scheme to the index. If its greater than1 , then the portfolio is highly volatile to the movemnts in the index. If the beta is lesser than 1 , then scheme is less volatile to the index and beta which is close to 1 implies that the scheme is closely following the index.
Beta [%] SD [%] Sharpe Ratio [%] Jensons Alpha [%] ER [%]
0.4764 2.1425 0.9317 4.6992 0.0327
Asset Allocation
Holdings 28-Feb-25
Company Name Hold (%)
HDFC Bank 2.60
Cholaman.Inv.&Fn 1.98
Bajaj Finance 1.76
ICICI Bank 1.60
Dixon Technolog. 1.47
Infosys 1.36
Suven Pharma 1.35
Zomato Ltd 1.30
Divi's Lab. 1.25
Tata Motors 1.19
Premier Energies 1.12
Indus Towers 1.09
Bharti Airtel 1.01
APL Apollo Tubes 1.00
SBI Cards 0.98
Inventurus Knowl 0.95
Tech Mahindra 0.91
Larsen & Toubro 0.90
Coforge 0.80
Cummins India 0.79
Sumitomo Chemi. 0.67
REC Ltd 0.67
AAVAS Financiers 0.66
Colgate-Palmoliv 0.64
Sona BLW Precis. 0.63
Page Industries 0.62
Motherson Wiring 0.61
Crompton Gr. Con 0.61
CG Power & Ind 0.60
Blue Dart Expres 0.60
Brainbees Solut. 0.60
Capital Small 0.58
ZF Commercial 0.58
Saregama India 0.58
Vedant Fashions 0.52
Hitachi Energy 0.50
Multi Comm. Exc. 0.48
NTPC 0.44
Aditya Bir. Fas. 0.44
Timken India 0.44
CMS Info Systems 0.43
Netweb Technol. 0.42
Hind.Aeronautics 0.39
SIS 0.39
Bandhan Bank 0.32
Vodafone Idea 0.27
Tata Technolog. 0.26
Kirl. Ferrous 0.22
Angel One 0.12
REC Ltd 4.27
Embassy Off.REIT 4.27
LIC Housing Fin. 3.68
N A B A R D 3.68
Mindspace Busine 3.09
Tata Cap.Hsg. 3.06
Jamnagar Utiliti 2.99
Power Fin.Corpn. 2.99
Sundaram Home 2.45
Sikka Ports 2.42
Bajaj Finance 1.83
HDFC Bank 1.83
Cholaman.Inv.&Fn 1.73
Shriram Finance 1.22
S I D B I 1.22
GSEC2029 4.97
GSEC2028 3.13
Gsec2029 3.10
GSEC2030 2.52
GSEC2028 1.86
GSEC2026 0.60
TREPS 1.29
Net CA & Others 2.10
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